Fest time...!!
And its MAIT that has taken the initiative to do the different.
Yes guys its something special this time around as the MAITians pull up their socks to lend a helping hand for the betterment of society, advancement in technology, and safeguarding the environment...
The theme of this fest is "GO GREEN"... It is very rare in Delhi that you observe theme based fests. As per sources it is only the third time that a theme based fest is being organised in Delhi- SRCC and IIT have done it earlier.
And this time it is MAIT and we all know MAITians really make it big.
It has been confirmed that " JAL " is going to perform and I know you will love to see them perform in front of your eyes.......
So, Being a part of this amazing institution I welcome you all to enjoy the fest scheduled from 11 to 13 March 2010.
It is composed of two parts...
1. Techsurge....the technical half
2. Mridang.... the cultural half
It just goes on to show MAIT keeps things in optimum balance. We are ever progressing and at the same time glued to our diverse culture.
Technical events :
Web designing Admad
Debugging Bull&Bears
Java Challenge Marketing Kauffman
Technical Quiz General Quiz
F1 Racing Mock CEO