
Am I a Criminal? - Wikileaks

 “Am I a Criminal?”

If you are news alcoholic, if you read newspaper religiously, watch news channels more than big brother, well this might be an uncensored version of all that you know, and some things that you need to know. If you’re none of described above, well this might not be a merry read for you. You might be impaired by what you’re about to read-the big word- Wikileaks. You must be having a rough idea- seen or read about wikileaks while fetching the newspaper to your dad, or browsing through the channels searching for your favorite masala tv.
Guessing it might be some sort of Wikipedia leaks, well it is not. In fact, when you go to you observe the first sentence as,
 Note: WikiLeaks is not associated with Wikipedia or the Wikimedia Foundation.


 What is Wikileaks all about?
Well I turned my computer on today only with this question in my mind. So, I opened the browser typed wikileaks auto-completed to , I hit enter and I am greeted with a beautiful surprise photographed for you.

Ah! Beautiful! Isn’t it? I would have rather moved the magnifier to “currently”. Will this site ever be available? US won’t like that at all. So the search moves on ,  Google “ Wikileaks”. Another beautiful surprise photographed for you.

Over a 105 Million results…treat to eyes.
The first result (Note: No usual URL) defines wikileaks as follows,

WikiLeaks is a non-profit media organization dedicated to bringing important news and information to the public. We provide an innovative, secure and anonymous way for independent sources around the world to leak information to our journalists. We publish material of ethical, political and historical significance while keeping the identity of our sources anonymous, thus providing a universal way for the revealing of suppressed and censored injustices. 

Wikileaks- We open governments

The Infamous Wikileaks

I browsed the site. And like a normal teen, I don’t understand War logs

So I tried

The first 10 seconds of the video made me switch off my phone; sign out my Google talk and Facebook.
Released on 5th April,  a US military video depicting slaughter of over dozen people in the most brutal manner in the Iraqi suburb of New Baghdad, I had ever seen in my life.
A group of people were walking along a few of them were armed with AK-47 and RPG and a couple of Reuters were just doing their job with the camera, but bursting a few innocent heads doesn’t matter much to the warheads. The men flying in those helicopters over them barely know the meaning of word ‘Prosecute’ all they know is ’ Execute’. Suddenly, to the extreme nightmare of the strolling men, the gunfire started to shower death. “All done!” said the executer. They started monitoring hoping everyone was dead. A man was dragging himself along the ground; they saw a fellow vehicle approaching to help him but not to the warheads delight, they assailed vehicle in which almost everyone was surely killed except two kids who were in the vehicle, severely wounded.

I share a transcript of it.
18:29 I think they just drove over a body.
18:31 Hey hey!
18:32 Yeah!
18:37 Maybe it was just a visual illusion, but it looked like it.
18:41 Well, they're dead, so.

Well, moving fellows don’t mean a thing to them, forget about a dead body.
 You can read full story at
Wikileaks is showing something to the people of US, the cruelty of their elected people  on the breed called Mankind, and to the Iran people, well nothing new, what you are watching online they see that every day in front of their eyes.

Under Attack

All this content is or rather was confidential and now available for the world to witness. US officials don’t like it. Wikileaks is currently under heavy attack.
In order to make it impossible to ever fully remove Wikileaks from the Internet, Wikileaks is currently mirrored on 1334 sites.

Many whistleblowers have been threatened.
In an appeal, Wikileaks spokesperson Julian Assange urged

Don't shoot the messenger
"WikiLeaks has a four-year publishing history. During that time we have changed whole governments, but not a single person, as far as anyone is aware, has been harmed”.
"The Gillard government is trying to shoot the messenger because it doesn't want the truth revealed, including information about its own diplomatic and political dealings,"
-Julian Assange

In this time when truth has been challenged, let us make it victorious. Let support this initiative. Let’s stand together.
If yelling truth is a crime , let us be criminals.

Let the truth be heard not silenced.

Please make extensive use of the comment systems that this site provides to leave your feedback inspired by the 1334 mirrors.

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